I wrote most of the terryism.com website in the late 90's early 2000's. At that time, young, fresh in the USA, with a young family I hoped it would become a focal point, a communual effort of the family to share "stuff."
In practice it became only me and the most "family" shared content was lots of photos of holidays etc and our hobbies etc. Mostly for our family back home in England and around the world, a way of staying in touch. This was before social media...
The other pages which I tended to update, with sadness, was the pages about our dogs.
In an effort to get a grip with cataloguing our photos, and keeping them in one place I subsequently removed a lot of the photo heavy holiday stuff.
And so it languished. With more dog updates to do I decided this year to revamp the whole site, spruce up the technology and the html etc, make the site a little easier to manage, etc., with the hope that I might once again try and update the site.
Rather than redo all the pages I thought I'd leave the main structure in place as a kind of historical capture of the zeitgeist of my family back then and instead add a new tree of pages capturing the state of the union in 2025.
This page is the launch/landing for the 21st Century Terry Family.
After forty four years Ali and I are still married and living together, seems a shame that something like that needs to be said nowadays as its no longer the norm... The jobs/vocations/hobbies of me and Ali have come and gone with the changing focus of our kids and the realities of our health and age.
The kids are all grown up with families of their own so we now have six grandkids.
We've lost close family over the last dozen years:
Friends, family and neighbors have moved away, disperesed, estranged.
The dog pack has grown and shrunk and a cat has arrived.