

You can't compare your dogs. Everyone is different, they affect you in different ways. Its not a question of better or more, they are just different and you love them for what they are. Corinna was just the bounding, bull at a china shop, zesty, clown.

The first dog in a human family always seems more attuned to the humans thoughts and feelings. A second dog grows up more dog like, attuned to the first dogs moods and swings and only secondarily attuned to you.

You might therefore mistakenly feel the second dog is more independent and wilful. It's not till the first dog is gone that you realise how the second is actually just as dependent on someone for guidance and its only with hindsight that you realise how much the first dog was doing for you in keeping the second in line. Now, that relationship shifts to you, you're the immediate pack leader now.

As the two of you adjust to this new relationship you realise how much you both miss the first dog.

In Corinna's case I can't help feeling I let her down as a pack leader. I hope she can forgive me.